Who plays the mouth organ?

If you don't have the jaw
Don't take on this chore

If you don't have the teeth
Don't ever try this feat

Or you will run to Mama
begging in pain for water


Ewiase said…
i still play it, the sound is lovely if it is soft and immersed in salt water.
Unknown said…
These photos are very true. It's this truthfulness and honesty and sincerity that clad your works make you a fine photographer. Thank you for sharing these photos. You make me miss my village quite a lot.

Please I may need your permission to use some of your photos on my upcoming blog.With cedits to you of course.
Anonymous said…
Great work Nana!

Thanks for sharing and keep it up!

I might share some of your photos on a page dedicated to Africa with credits to you,hope that will be ok with you.....

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