Ghana Tour- Three More Regions.

Kintampo falls
People having fun at the Kintampo Falls, Ghana.

Mole National Park
Male Antelope guarding his territory, Mole National Park, Northern Ghana.

African Bush Elephant
African Bush Elephant with one tusk missing. Mole National Park, Ghana

Pricky Sunset, Kulmase
Thorns at Sunset. Kulmase Crocodile Sanctuary, Upper West, Ghana.


Seyram said…
these are beautiful!!!
Paul said…
Beautiful photographs. The first one is particularly well-executed -- love the long shutter w the water fall AND active participants.
Anonymous said…
beautiful waterfall.

Ghana is beautiful!
Anonymous said…
2 thumbs up!
Anonymous said…
Didn't know any water falls where pple cd play existed.

This blog has helped relieve my stress.

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